Amanda Siow, Senior Auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers


I got to know Sherman through a close friend of mine on an exchange trip to Canada. I find Sherman to be a genuine and trustworthy individual who is passionate about helping his clients achieve financial independence. 

Sherman is knowledgeable and extremely patient when it comes to explaining financial concepts and various products in the market. He also took time to understand my current needs and circumstances, and proposed personalised solutions that are in my best interests. This is evident in the detailed cost-benefit analysis that backs his recommendations. I don’t feel pressure working with him as he gives me all the time and information I need to make informed decisions.

One of the things I like most about Sherman’s service is that he goes beyond introducing plans for my insurance and investment needs. He also generously shares and helps me to set up his system for cultivating good spending habits which helps me get closer to attaining my financial goals.

It’s never too late to start on your journey to financial freedom. The best time is now. To anyone who is feeling lost about where to start, I am certain that Sherman will be able to help you get on track to achieving your financial goals.


Rebecca Wong, Brand Experience Executive at Cheil


Haziq, Officer at MHA