Nila, Auditor at KPMG


Before Sherman came along, I always found it difficult to apply the financial knowledge I acquired at university and elsewhere to do my own financial planning. With Sherman’s help, I feel better equipped to handle my finances because he shared how to allocate my income across my needs and wants and he also gave me access to the tools needed to do so. I also learnt that personal finance need is not as complicated especially if we take time to plan ahead.

Sherman has always been very approachable, and he ensures that we are on the same page during the sessions. He also addresses any concerns I may have by providing alternatives and professional solutions. So, I always feel heard and assured which I really appreciate about the sessions.  

Sherman shared his personal and professional journey with financial planning and management and it really spoke to me because I could see how passionate he was about helping others using the skills and knowledge he has acquired over all these years.

I think the finance world has a lot of jargon that many may not be able to appreciate and many tools that appear complicated. This can be overwhelming. However, with Sherman’s help, I realised that if I took some time to understand myself (my risk tolerance etc), it is easier to navigate through the options available. 

As the saying goes, “many overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a lifetime”. I think this is especially applicable with finance as Sherman often reminds me. Planning is not just about having money now, or next month, but about having money when you need it 15 years or so from now. It could feel far-fetched, but money grows exponentially when we commit to planning for the long-term and that’s what we should aim for - long-term gains.


Lucas Thin, Scholar at ArtCenter College of Design


Kenix Ho, Analyst at British Petroleum