Vickneshvaran Naidu, Officer at SAF


Sherman and I were classmates back in secondary school. Throughout my financial journey with Sherman, what I enjoy the most is his detailed explanation and how he is able to present me with the best solution after having done the comparison. I also chose him as my wealth management adviser because he is confident that he is recommending me the best solution. 

My main takeaway from our sessions is that it is imperative to manage my wealth properly in order to achieve my financial goals. To achieve this, Sherman gives timely advice whenever adjustments are needed to ensure that I'm on track towards my goals.

If you are looking to start your financial journey with Sherman, be open-minded and rest assured that he will guide you well on the right path to ensure your financial freedom. 


Krystal Winona, Nurse at Alexandra Hospital


Elijah, Herbarium Curator at NParks