Ko Kayau, Treasury Executive at Olam


Despite studying in the same school, I first met Sherman when I was doing an exchange semester abroad in Canada. Though we did not know each other before, we quickly became friends and went on many trips together. Throughout this period, Sherman has been a good friend and I greatly enjoyed our friendship as he is one who exudes positivity and humility.

I chose Sherman as my wealth management consultant because throughout my many interactions with him, I have never felt that he was ever forcing any policies on me. Though I have known him for several years, he is never one to draw attention to himself and his business until I asked. I feel that this is a defining characteristic of a wealth management consultant that I would place my trust in as it shows that he is modest and focuses on the needs of others. In addition, Sherman has a Bachelor’s in Accountancy, and he has already been in the industry for a number of years. All these factors come together to make Sherman my top choice when it comes to financial advisory.

My financial journey with Sherman thus far has been comfortable and fulfilling. Unlike many other financial advisors, he places more emphasis on the actual act of financial planning instead of solely on the performance of the fund. In our discussions, he always makes conservative assumptions on fund performance and instead, devotes more time to the act of better managing my finances. This immediately struck a chord with me as I personally feel that the main role of a wealth management consultant should be to help others better manage their wealth instead of solely promoting the purchase of a fund. Moreover, I greatly appreciate the fact that Sherman can draw links between financial planning and my personal goals in life, reminding me of the reasons behind my financial decisions.

My advice to those who aim to achieve financial independence would be to do something today. Time plays a huge part when it comes to your returns on investment, and in fact I oftentimes wished that I had started investing when I was younger. Nowadays, there are many platforms to choose from, and it is easy even for beginners to begin their journey towards financial independence. And if you happen to require assistance or advice from a professional along the way, then I would highly recommend Sherman, as he has proven himself to be a trusted and integral part of my own financial journey.


Janessa Kong, Senior Policy Research Analyst at Singapore Institute of International Affairs


Lee Yen, Campaign Manager at Kepler Group